First Kids
“Where we put Jesus first!”
First Kids Ministry is for children, birth through 5th grade. We are excited to partner with you to help the children in your life become deeply committed Christians. From relevant and meaningful programs on Sundays and during the week, to Vacation Bible Class in the summer and through other events, it is our hope that families grow together on their journey to know, love and serve Jesus Christ.
Sundays we begin worship in the main sanctuary at 11 am and transition to First Kids Children’s Church after the children’s message from our pastor. First Kids ministry on Sunday includes praise and worship, crafts, Bible verse learning and conversations about God and how much He loves us! (Note: children must be signed in and signed out of the First Kids Ministry for their safety.)
Our First Kids leaders and volunteers are screened adults who have had background checks so we can provide a safe environment for your children. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or leader please contact us.