Death is Swallowed up in Victory
Only Christ is the answer to the sum of all our fears, only His victory over death has the power to swallow up every enemy, our guilt and shame, and even the terrors of death and destruction. In First Corinthians 15:54-55 it says, “Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your victory? O Death, where is your sting?”
The Cross has rendered the enemy powerless, stingerless, impotent… Christ suffered and died for our sins on the Cross, and God has resurrected Him to eternal power over all evil. As a result, there is now available a greater deliverance and covenant of healing power because of the Resurrection of Christ. In fact, the promise of the Resurrection is that every place and corner where death and evil still lurks will be exposed and toasted by the blazing light of Christ’s ultimate victory.
So, let us focus our prayers with Second Chronicles 7:14. This one verse is like a beam of light to release the victory over a world that needs fresh revival and reformation; as this Scripture says: “If my people who are called by my Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.”
Pray for what? Revival, which means seeking God’s face so that God’s way of life may be restored. If we want God to heal our land, then Christians must humble themselves and earnestly seek his face, and turn from all wickedness as individuals and as a nation…
Even if the fear of evil has come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord has lifted up a Standard against the enemy as God’s people pray. And what else can we pray for?
Pray for the Fear of God to be restored to our nation at the Cross… Pray that a Spirit of Accounta-bility would convict all individuals, corporate groups, and all governmental systems to turn from their evil ways, no matter how much money can be made from any forms of evil that wickedness will offer. Pray for integrity of pure hearts and sound minds to return to all people so that our land itself may be healed.
Pray even more for a Spirit of Revival and Reformation so that we would humbly seek repentance and turn to the Cross of Christ, so that our lives and honor would be restored. And ultimately, pray for a Resurrection Faith by the power of the Holy Spirit to follow all that we say and do, that the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts, would be acceptable in God’s sight. And remember, God is always watching!!!
God’s Blessings of Flowers and Fruitfulness be upon Florida,
Pastor Jonathan Singleton