Message from Pastor Jeff September 2024

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

I pray you are well and looking forward to cooler weather this fall. One thing is for sure, change is always in the wind, blowing in one direction or the other. Speaking of change, I thank you for another opportunity to serve as your pastor. Margaret and I love Clewiston and we believe in the mission of our church. Together, we can continue our journey to know Jesus and to make Jesus known.

On this journey, we will need the help of every member if we are to be successful. During the month of September, we invite you to step-up in your service to our church’s mission. Descrip-tions of the positions will be made available to our members by September 1, with a goal to fill the positions prior to our annual church conference being scheduled for October. Remember that everyone is a minister* in Christ’s church. Please pray about what you can offer your gifts in service to Jesus.

*1st Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

God is calling you to offer your gift for service! Please reach out to me or Lay Leader Scott Jones for a list of positions to serve and the details of that service. Together we can make a difference for God’s Kingdom and help others begin or rekindle their walk with Jesus Christ.

God bless you and keep you.

Jesus loves you and so do I,

Pastor Jeff Smith
P.S. My new phone number is: (863) 351-9692

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